Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The pot is black.

I have some pet peeves. One of them is hypocrisy. Another is when people rotely qualify every fucking word that comes out of their mouths, even when it makes absolutely no sense to do so. I pulled off a two-fer today during an oral argument when I said, "Your honor, I would stress that . . ."
I hate that shit.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

I stand corrected.

Praise the Lord I don't have the asian gambling gene.


I stand by my initial prognosis. If Basanez stops sucking, we'll close the gap during what looks to be some extended garbage time.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pick to click.

Our first-year associates are being sworn in as members of the bar this afternoon. Three years ago, on a day that was about as gorgeous as today, I received my law license under more desultory circumstances. My dad and I were unemployed, and I wanted to kill myself. Metaphorically, of course. Well. Not so metaphorically if you consider drinking to be a more protracted, but equally effective means of self-immolation. So as a good friend once told me, “When life sucks shit, don’t discount the future.” This is a good philosophy to have. I’d supplement it with, “Things could always be worse—you (or someone you love) could be DEAD,” but I suppose that’s not a very productive mantra to cling to on a day to day basis.
The point spread for the OSU Northwestern game is 18.5. That's a ridiculously easy bet. If anyone's interested, we should all put some money on Northwestern online. If Northwestern loses, at least we'll have our pyhrric victory.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Separate but equal. Please.

One of the most irritating things about my workplace is the firm's insistence on treating associates and staff equally. For instance, we have the same late night meal and cab policy. If you stay past 8:00, you get a meal and a cab. Sounds generous, right? It's not. For meals, I only get reimbursed up to $10, everything else comes out of my pocket. I don't think there's anyplace in America where $10 buys you a decent meal. Making matters worse is the fact that the firm believes that it's obligated--according to its own suspect interpretation of the tax code--to report cab and meal reimbursement as part of our income. Meaning that it's not really $10 bucks, once state and fed taxes are paid out, we're talking $5.75. I used to work at a firm where the trigger time was 7:00 and the cap was $30 before questions were asked. My solution is this: if the firm honchos are going to insist on being fiscally responsible fuckos, they should just cut the staff's meal and cab reimbursement plan in its entirety, and funnel the cost savings into a brand, spanking new associate reimbursement program with more realistic parameters. I don't think that this is as heartless as it sounds. While we get paid more, the staff doesn't generate revenue; we do. Staff is just a cost that's incident to doing business. Plus, there are far worse things in life than clocking in--most of the time--from 9 to 5 and getting paid $55k a year for it. Granted, you have to put in 15 years before you hit that pay grade, but 9 to 5 isn't so bad when 80% of your time is spent on the internet, fucking around. (Like me.) I'd also like a separate cafeteria, better coffee, and a plasma tv. You can take it out of the steeply reduced bonus you'll be paying me this year because I got conned into spending 300+ hours of my hours on pro bono.