Cafe Martinique.
So I haven’t posted in awhile. This is partially because I’m beginning to doubt the practicality of having a blog that’s available to, oh, everyone that has an internet connection. But I do like memorializing my progress through life. Why a diary wouldn’t suffice, I’m not entirely sure. It’s easy to chalk it up to egotism, but I’m not certain that the mere act of publication to the masses is a sufficient explanation. Maybe it’s because diaries are totally gay (and not in the hate-crime sense, but more in the, “I’m fucking old, so in accordance with the ancient vernacular that thirty-year-old relics are wont to employ, gay = lame, but not because I don’t respect the same-sex anal” sense).
My job has been murdering me. I often think about killing myself. Claire hates it when I say that, but I think she should cut me some slack because I’m too stupid to articulate the sentiment any other way. Suicide is no laughing matter, and when I say I want to kill myself, it’s not with the same desperation that motivated my use of the phrase eight years ago. Because back then, I think I actually did want to kill myself. Now, it’s a bit more light-hearted. I basically mean that I wouldn’t mind taking a nap for a month or eighteen years. Because I’m tired dude. Boss be sweatin’ me.
On that note, I’m happy to say that being betrothed is treating me well. I was concerned that I’d freak the fuck out, but it’s been quite settling. I need to exhaustively write about the trip at some point, but for now, I will offer the following advice: don’t stay in
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