Friday, June 24, 2011

Re: The Most Immediate Post from 2007, Before I Ceased Blogging

The case that I pulled an all-nighter for was eventually tried to conclusion. We sort of lost and sort of won. It's odd to think of it now. My firm has changed quite a bit since; the principal difference is that I'm now nominally a partner.

Claire and I expect to have a baby girl come September. In anticipation of her delivery, Claire purchased me two books as a pre-emptive Father's day gift. I have read the first sixth of one, and I haven't yet read the other; both are written by women physicians, and both are directed to the relationship between a daughter and her father. I can honestly say that the book that I am currently reading is lame. I don't want to sound like a douche, but lady pediatricians who write books about fathers and daughters are, from my admittedly limited sample size of one, on the shrill and solipsitic side. Topic sentence (repeated throughout first sixty pages of book on frequent basis): YOUR DAUGHTER IS GOING TO BE A WHORE (unless you do your job)!

Not instructive and not pleasant to read.


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