From one office monkey to another--You suck.
I hate my word-processing department. What’s the point of dictating something if the time that you spend fixing it exceeds the time that it would have taken to type it out on your own? Okay. I’ll admit that: (1) I tend to drone, so listening to my tapes may not be anyone’s idea of fun; (2) I’m inconsistent with my punctuation—sometimes I say “question mark,” other times I imply it through the lilt in my voice; and (3) I only spell surnames out once, if at all. But even with all these considerations in mind, the memo that word-processing dropped into my mailbox today made me want to puke. When I say “Brennan,” I don’t mean “Bagman.” When I say “Buvinger,” I don’t mean “Governor.” When I say “site visit,” I don’t mean “decide it.” When I say “procurement,” I don’t mean prochurement. “Prochurement” isn’t even a word. I apparently stopped saying “period” or “new paragraph,” so the word-processing monkey decided to type out a 2 page run-on sentence. Jesus Christ. Exercise some fucking independent discretion, for once. I used to be an office monkey. They paid me $22k a year, but I still did my best to avoid looking like an idiot. It's not that hard to take pride in your work, whatever it may be.